Saturday 1 September 2018


      *          All happy families are alike; an unhappy family is 
                unhappy in its own way.

    *          Great nations are never impoverished by private, 
                though they sometimes are by public prodigality 
                and misconduct.

   *          Christmas, children, is not a date. 
               It is a state of mind.

   *          A border can be drawn on a map only after it is 
              first drawn on human hearts.

   *          I am I plus my surroundings, and if I do not preserve 
               the latter, I do not preserve myself. 

   *         Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold.

   *         A billion dollars isn't what it used to be. 

   *         But war's game, which, were their subjects wise,
              Kings would not play at.

   *         Credit card: A way of saying buy-buy to your money.

   *         Economic rationale and polotical compulsions do not 
              go hand in hand.

   *         Who will guard the guards themselves? 

   *        The terrible thing about terrorism is that ultimately 
             it destroys those who practice it. 

   *         The reform rabbit can become a turtle, 
              which can become a rock.

    *        I love my country too much to be a nationalist.

    *        The deep structure of human behavior falls into three 
              interdependent categories: the internal order of mind;
              the external order of social exchange; and the extended 
              order of markets.

    *         The Lord will provide, but you must give Him some help.

   *           He who shrinks not from action which does not bring lasting 
               happiness, nor gets attached to that which is conducive to
               blessedness imbued with the quality of goodness, he has               
               all his doubts resolved, is intelligent and a man of true 

   *        From woman is a man born, inside her, he is conceived...
             From woman originate new generations...
             Why revile her of whom are born great ones of the earth? 

   *        He who has health has hope, and he who has hope 
             has everything.

   *        To know if government officials handling the treasury are stealing 
             public money or not is as difficult to detect as whether a fish 
             is drinking water or not.



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